Do you spend much of your day on your feet? Many folks do just that, and yet they neglect their feet and proper care.
When was the last foot massage for yourself? No doubt you’ve heard people say “When your feet hurt, you hurt all over.”
Are you wearing the right size shoe and a shoe designed for the activity you are participating in? That’s where one needs to start and go from there.
A wonderful foot soak in Epsom salts at days end is so refreshing. Ahh, feels so good – but let’s go one better. Let’s have a foot massage and include reflexology.
Reflexology can include a one-half or hour session dedicated to the feet, with specific points on the feet and toes, worked gently by the therapist using his or her thumb. The client is made comfortable lying on their back on the massage table as the treatment is performed.
One may choose to have their feet paraffin dipped and or a pedicure following. You will leave with happy feet and much less stress.
Call today to schedule a foot massage appointment to make you feel better all over!