Sunrises come and sunsets go, trees become green, lawns get mowed and school years come to an end. Graduation and wedding invitations are found in our mailboxes and we begin to think about vacations and family reunions.
Here at Heart Wood Place Bed & Breakfast, we are excited about the season change and all that accompanies that, including our new, fresh look as you enter the front door! The white walls have been replaced with bold, cheerful colors to welcome you. I am feeling like I’ve had a B12 shot as I select new wall accents to complete our new look.
Of course, the deck and front porch still await your arrival, whether it be for an afternoon or for a few days’ visit as you vacation or attend an event in Lenawee County.
The Croswell has a wonderful summer season for all to enjoy and many parks are ready for your walk through or a picnic. The bike trail provides a great surface for a walk and conversation with family and friends.
“We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment” ~ Hilaire Belloc, French Writer & Historian, 1870-1953